Raceway Hardening:
The bearing hardening types described here are provided with induction-hardened raceways, the specifications as followings:

1- Rceways in a single-row ball slewing ring bearing
2- Rceways in a single-row crossed roller slewing ring bearing
3- Rceways of a nose ring in a triple-row roller slewing ring bearing
4- Rceways of a nose ring in a double-row ball slewing ring bearing
5- Rceways of a nose ring in a double-row different ball slewing ring bearing
Tooth Hardening:
JINB company bearings are in the majority of cases supplied with spur tooth. There are two kinds of tooth hardening. They're normalizing and tempering. According to the different applications. there are two ways of quenching. They're whole tooth quenching and single-tooth quenching, single-tooth quenching can be divided into tooth surface & root quenching and tooth surface quenching. 
1- Tooth surface quenching
2- Tooth surface and root quenching
3- Whole tooth quenching |